«Time flies» Fashion Show
Our school is celebrating its 50th anniversary and the 3ºESO students worked on an amazing performance for it.
Idiomas > El Patio Interior > Idiomas, Secundaria
Fashion and music have changed all along these past 50 years so did Siglo XXI’ students. Our 3ºESO classes worked on a coordinated project by Music, Technology, Arts and English for the first time. The two classes were split by decades (70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s and 2010’s) and had to prepare a mash-up with the hits from that decade, design the poster and invitations, and a research on the trendy outfits and the main social&historical events that took place during that period.
Also, we wanted to thank our fantastic audience (Infantil and Primary) for their behaviour and the festive ambiance they created!
Thanks to all the participants for their effort and incredible job. Special thanks to students who volunteered and spent hours planning and decorating: Blanca, Sofía, Aitana, Lola, Samuel, Inés, Lucía, Eva, Irene, Luna, Alex and África. And Ana Rodríguez for the finest video edition. You guys are the best!
The result of the Fashion Show was amazing. Check it out right here!
Proyecto Educativo del Centro
Documento Granjas y Acampadas
Programación General Anual
Memoria Anual
Plan Digital de Centro Infantil y Primaria
Plan Digital de Centro Secundaria
Plan de Convivencia y RRI
Estatutos de la Cooperativa
Reglamento Becas y Ayudas COIS
Guía de Familias Delegadas
Manual Cuentas de Clase
Calendario Escolar
Calendario de Eventos
Protocolo Alergias e Intolerancias
Plan Actuación ante reacciones alérgicas
Elección y asignación de Extraescolares