
Role-play: Shopping clothes

This time students from 1ºESO use their knowledge about shopping and creativity to make a role-play about shopping clothes. In class we worked on shopping vocabulary and expressions, after that students prepared a conversation and finally they represented it in class.

Idiomas > El Patio Interior > Idiomas, Secundaria

Students learnt some of the different vocabulary and expressions necessary to go shopping: “Large, Medium or Small size”, “It doesn’t fit me”, “changing rooms”, “Can I try it on?”, “credit card or cash”, “receipt”, …and many others.

Later, in pairs, they had to prepare a conversation using the vocabulary learnt in class.

First they wrote the conversation, then they practiced it several times and finally they represented in class.

Some of them wore wigs for the role-play, others made their own receipt and money. It was funny and cool. We enjoyed a lot watching the role-plays and each pair also had fun while doing it.

In the middle of the conversation there should have been an issue about the item they were looking for but finally there was a solucion and shopping was possible. Customer and shop assistant were happy.

Vamos de compras

Los alumnos de 1ºESO han recreado una situación en una tienda de ropa. En clase vimos el vocabulario y las expresiones más comunes y a continuación ellos prepararon un juego de rol en el que uno de ellos debía ser el cliente y otro el dependiente de una tienda de ropa.

Los alumnos de 1ºESO tuvieron que representar en clase una escena en una tienda de ropa. En clase estudiamos algo de vocabulario y expresiones necesarias para hacer una compra.

Por parejas, prepararon una conversación, teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario aprendido.

Para la representación, varios alumnos y alumnas crearon el dinero y el ticket para la compra, trajeron las prendas e incluso algunos se pusieron pelucas para disfrazarse.

Fue divertido ver las representaciones y el alumnado de 1ºESO, además de aprender y ponerlo en práctica en clase, disfrutó y se lo pasó muy bien.