
Australian animals are cool!

Second grade students have investigated and learnt about Australian animals.

Idiomas > El Patio Interior > Idiomas, Primaria

Have you ever heard about the Echidna, the Wombat or the Tasmanian devil? Well, we have!!

Since Merrelyn comes from Australia, she was talking to us about incredible animals which live there. We investigated about them during the book week and finally, we made an Australian animals book for the book day.

We learnt and enjoyed a lot. And now, we can tell you things about them. Ask us!!

Los animales australianos son guays!

En segundo hemos investigado y aprendido sobre animales australianos.

Has oído alguna vez hablar sobre el Equidna, el Wombat o el Tasmanian devil? Bueno, nosotros sí!

Como Merrelyn es de Australia, nos estuvo contando cosas sobre estos animales tan increíbles. Hemos investigado sobre ellos durante la semana del libro y finalmente, elaborado un libro sobre animales australianos para el día del libro.

Nos divertimos y aprendimos un montón.Y ahora, podemos contarte cosas sobre ellos. ¡Pregúntanos!